Dangers and Impact of Drugs on Life and Health

Dangers and Impact of Drugs on Life and Health

Narcotics, which stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics and other dangerous addictive substances, are substances/substances which, if entered into the human body, either orally/drunk, inhaled, or injected, can change one’s thoughts, moods or feelings, and behavior. Drugs have very strong addiction or addiction, tolerance, and habitual power (habits), so that drug users cannot be separated from their dependence on drugs.

The dangers and impacts of using drugs are enormous for physical, mental and emotional health, including, visit meus precos.

1. Disruption of the Main Nerve

Nerves will be disturbed resulting in convulsions, hallucinations, impaired consciousness and damage to the peripheral nerves.

2. Damaging the Heart

These drugs can also damage the heart resulting in acute infection of the heart muscle and circulatory disorders.

3. Can be exposed to HIV / AIDS to cause death

Meanwhile, the use of drugs through injection increases the chances of contracting HIV/AIDS and causing death.

4. Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Not only that, if the wearer is a woman, it will have an impact on irregular menstrual cycles.

5. Attacking Overall Health

Be prepared to face acute dehydration, hallucinations, and impaired quality of life and social activities that prevent you from carrying out normal activities if you consume it.

Preventing the spread of drugs is our shared responsibility. In this case, all parties, especially parents, teachers and the community, must play an active role in overseeing the threat of drugs to teenagers. Therefore we can cooperate with the authorities to conduct counseling about the dangers of drugs. Parental assistance also plays an important role by providing love and attention.

Drug Abuse for Physical and Mental Health and Its Dangers

“The effects of drugs are not just addictive. There are various forms of drug abuse, such as loss of consciousness and hallucinations. Even death can occur due to drugs.

Most people must already know about the dangers of drug abuse. Even so, there are still a handful of people who ignore the dangers of drugs and still want to try them. In fact, once you have fallen, it will be difficult to escape from the effects of drugs.

Because, the effects of drugs are not kidding. Not only targeting the physical, these illegal drugs can in fact also affect the user’s mental. So that you are more vigilant, know the physical and mental health problems due to the following drugs.

Dangers of Drug Abuse for Physical and Mental Health

So, here are the effects of drug abuse that can target the physical and mental:

1. Losing consciousness until memory loss

The most obvious effect of drug abuse is a decrease in consciousness. In fact, decreased awareness can lead to memory loss.

Because the effect of drugs is sedative. That is, these illegal drugs can cause symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, behavior changes, decreased consciousness and impaired body coordination. You can read the following articles to understand more:

2. Dehydration

The next danger of drugs is dehydration due to electrolyte imbalance. As a result, the wearer can experience panic attacks, chest pain, hallucinations, and even seizures due to drugs. If left unchecked, the effects of these drugs can lead to damage to the brain.

3. Damage the brain permanently

If the dangers of this one drug can arise when someone uses it in the long term. Use in high doses can also trigger the effects of this drug.

Drugs force the brain to work faster and suppress the central nervous system to produce a calming effect. These brain cell changes interfere with communication between nerve cells. As a result, permanent brain damage due to drugs was inevitable.

Even though the user has stopped taking this drug, the healing process takes quite a long time. In fact, the effects of drug addiction can last a lifetime.

4. Disturbing the quality of life

The effect of drugs that is certain to occur is the disruption of quality of life. This is certainly able to reduce the quality of life of the wearer. Because, the feeling of addiction due to drugs will continue to trigger the wearer to increase the dose.

If not fulfilled, drug addicts can be reckless to the point of being willing to steal to satisfy their desires. This behavior is clearly against the law which can result in sanctions such as imprisonment.

5. Death

The most serious danger of drug abuse is death. This can happen if the wearer consumes it in excessive levels. This very high dose is not tolerated by the body so that it leads to an overdose.

Symptoms of drug overdose are marked by convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and eyeballs that point to the side

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