Types of Alcoholic Drinks that you must know:

Types of Alcoholic Drinks that you must know:

Wine is known as a luxury drink that is usually available when you are fine dining. There are several types, including red wine, white wine, rose wine, sweet wine, fortified wine and sparkling wine. Sparkling wine is commonly known as champagne according to ajs muskego.


Beer is any alcoholic drink produced through the fermentation process of grains, for example wheat, rice, corn, sorghum and so on, without going through a distillation process after fermentation. Beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world. Beer is one of the liquors included in group A with levels ranging from 4% to a maximum of 6%.


Tequila is a distilled drink made from the agave plant which is made around the town of Tequila, 65 kilometers northwest of Guadalajara, in a mountainous area in the state of Jalisco in western Mexico. The alcohol content is quite high, ranging from 38% to 51%.


Wine is an alcoholic drink made from fermented grapes or other fruits. Due to a natural chemical balance, grapes can ferment without added sugar, acids, enzymes, water or other nutrients. The fermentation process takes months to produce the highest quality wine. The fermentation process usually uses the help of a yeast called saccharomysces cerevesiae. The alcohol content in this wine ranges from 8% to 14%.


Rum (rhum) is an alcoholic drink resulting from fermentation and distillation from molasses (cane molasses) or sugar cane juice which is a by-product of the sugar industry. Distilled rum is a clear liquid, and is usually stored for maturation in barrels made of oak or other types of wood. The largest rum producers in the world are the Caribbean countries and along the Demerara River in Guyana, South America. In addition, rum factories exist in other countries in the world such as Australia, India, Reunion Islands.

Rum consists of various types with different alcohol levels. White rum commonly used as a cocktail mixer. Dark, golden brown rum is used for cooking, baking and mixing cocktails. Only high quality rum is usually drunk plain without mixers or with the addition of ice cubes (on the rocks). The alcohol content of this drink starts from 37.5%.


Soju is an alcoholic drink originating from South Korea. Soju drinks are made from rice which undergoes a distillation process, resulting in a clear liquid with a sweet taste. . Apart from that, soju can also be made using sweet potatoes, wheat, barley and tapioca as a substitute for rice. The alcohol content of this drink is 20% -40%.


Whiskey refers broadly to a category of alcoholic drinks from fermented cereals that undergo a mashing process, and the results go through a distillation process before being matured by being stored in small wooden barrels. The alcohol content in whiskey is quite high, namely above 40%, so it is recommended not to consume it excessively because it can have a bad impact on health.

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